
What kinds of support are given by the midwife

Problem: There is little research on the support given by midwives to people experiencing lactation problems.

Purpose: This research will examine the kinds of support given by the midwife to people experiencing lactation problems.

Question: What kinds of support are given by the midwife to people experiencing lactation problems?

The research instrument that will be used to collect data about the kinds of support received by lactating people experiencing difficulties from midwives will be an interview. A series of open-ended questions will be created to allow the participants to explore their experiences.

Interviews are particularly useful for uncovering the story behind a participant's experiences and pursuing in-depth information about a topic.

Interviewing as a research instrument is appropriate for this research problem, purpose, and question. An interview is generally a qualitative research technique that involves asking open-ended questions to converse with respondents and collect illicit data about the subject. The interviewer is the subject matter expert who intends to understand respondent opinions in a well-planned and executed series of questions and answers.

Depoy, E., Gitlin, L.N.(2020) Introduction to research understanding and applying multiple strategies.

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