
What kinds of knowledge-skills and abilities

Job Analysis Questionnaire:

A. Job Responsibikties and Duties:

1. Job title

2. Department litle andfor division title

3. Title of immediate supervisor

4. Description of duties (Describe the duties in enough detail to provide a complete and accurate description of the work.)

a. Provide a general overall summary of the purpose of your job.

b. What are the major results or outputs of your job?

C. Describe the duties and tasks you perform daily; weekly; monthly.

d. Describe duties you perform irregularty.

5. List any machines, Instruments, tools, equipment, materials, and work aids used !n your job. Indicate percent of time used.

6. Describe the nature of your responsibility for nonhuman resources (money, machinery, equipment. and so on). What monetary loss can occur through an error?

7. What reports and records do you prepare as part of your job? When are they prepared?

8. What is the source of instructions for performing your job (e.g.. oral or written specifications)?

9. Describe the nature and frequency of supervision received.

10. How is your work reviewed. checked, or verified?

B. Reporting Relationships:

11. How many employees are directly under your supervision? What are their job titles?

12. Do you have full authority to hire, terminate, evaluate, and transfer employees under your super¬vision? Explain.

13. What contacts are required with other departments or persons other than your immediate department in performing your job?escribe the nature and extent of these contacts.

C. Working Conditions:

14. Describe the working conditions present in the location and environment of your work such as cold/ heat, noise, fumes, dust, and so on. Indicate frequency and degree of exposure.

15. Descnbe any dangers or hazards present in your job.

D. Job Qualifications (Be certain not to list the incumbent's qualifications, but what is required for performance by a new employee.):

16. Describe the kind of previous work experience necessary for satisfactory performance of this job.

17. What is the amount of experience required?

18. What kinds of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) are needed to perform the job?

19. What is the minimal level of education (grammar, high school, two-year college, four-year college. etc.) required?

20. Are any special physical skills and/or manual dexterity skills required to perform the job?

21. Are there any special certiftation, registration, license, or training requirements?

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HR Management: What kinds of knowledge-skills and abilities
Reference No:- TGS01836783

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