1. Why is writing important?
2. Do you write in your free time?
3. Do you enjoy writing?
4. Do you think you write well?
5. What kind of writing do you enjoy most?
6. What kind of writing do you enjoy least?
7. Do you enjoy being challenged to write in new ways?
8. Do you create and follow an outline for your writing?
9. Do you revise your writing to make it better?
10. Do you proofread your own writing for errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation?
11. In your past English courses, did you struggle with any of the written assignments which were required? If so, why do you think that might have been the case?
12. Looking at the answers you wrote to the consolidation questions, read them over carefully and out loud. Identify any writing mistakes. Answer the below questions in one or two full sentences.
13. What is the most common error you made on that set of questions?
14. Did you know you were making those kind of errors before now?
15. What is the most common error you make when writing, generally?
16. Are these errors easy to fix? How?
17. Correct one of the errors - show me the before and after.