
What kind of warriors were the vikings how did the story of

QUESTION 1- How does the textbook describe the development of Christianity?

o Christianity had a regional character-different regions developed their own distinct versions of the region, with slightly different beliefs and practices.

o Christianity benefited from a high degree of unity: Christians in the Nestorian Church and Christians in the Byzantine church got along well, even though they came from different parts of the world.

o Power and influence in Christian communities could come from a lot of different sources-from being the head of a large church to living a pious life on top of a pillar.

o Two of the above are correct.

o All of the above are correct.

o None of the above are correct.

QUESTION 2- Based on the reading, how did the stories of Ethiopian and Western European Christendom compare?

o In both places. a powerful Christian empire (Axum in Ethiopia. Rome in western Europe) fell apart. but the Christian faith persisted and new rulers who came to power continued to use their faith as a source of authority or a justification for ruling.

o In both places. a powerful Christian empire (Axum in Ethiopia. Rome in western Europe) was torn apart by a civil war over Christian doctrine-disagreements about the Trinity. in Ethiopia, and over the divine power of the Pope. in western Europe.

o In Ethiopia. Christianity persisted into the twentieth century, but in Western Europe, it was totally displaced by the nature cult of the Goths, and the Christian religion did not return until the Byzantine empire. under Justinian I, finally defeated the Goths.

o Two of the above are correct.

o All of the above are correct.

o None of the above are correct.

QUESTION 3- According to the textbook, We should not think of the fall of the western empire [of Rome] as the destruction of one culture and its replacement by another. What took place, instead, was a complex process of cultural exchange " What examples do the textbook authors use to support this claim?

o Many of the warrior chieftains and kings of Western Europe had gotten their start as Roman mercenaries.

o Rulers like Clovis and Charlemagne publicly aligned themselves with Roman Christianity (aka the Roman Catholic Church).

o The Carolingians and Saxons copied the urbanization of Rome throughout Western Europe. expanding existing cities-London, Cologne, Amsterdam-and building new ones-Berlin, Madrid, Lisbon-and making cities the centers of power in the new kingdoms.

o Two of the above are correct.

o All of the above are correct.

o None of the above are correct.

QUESTION 4- Following the death of Muhammad, what question repeatedly caused strife in the Islamic Caliphate?

o Who should control the Holy Cities of Mecca. Medina. and Jerusalem?

o Who is the new Prophet (i.e. the final authority in all religious matters)?

o How should Muslims choose a ruler. and who should it be?

o Two of the above are correct.

o All of the above are correct.

o None of the above are correct.

QUESTION 5- How did the story of the Islamic world compare to the story of the Christian wodd?

o In the Christian world. there was a distinct divide between religious leaders (bishops. Pope. monks. etc.) and secular leaders. like the Byzantine emperor or the Carolingian kings. In the Islamic world. the caliph was the center of BOTH religious and secular authority: he alone could offer final interpretations of religious texts. but he also had the power to make and enforce laws.

o In both the Christian and the Islamic wodd. different. competing interpretations of faith arose in different geographic regions. leading to conflict amongst people who theoretically shared the same religion.

o In both Christendom and the Islamic Caliphate, the power of secular leaders was always subordinate to the power of religious leaders, who were the REAL rulers. Kings and emperors always had to answer to priests and bishops in Christendom. and caliphs always had to answer to the ulama.

o Two of the above are correct.

o All of the above are correct.

o None of the above are correct.

QUESTION 6- What kind of warriors were the Vikings?

o The kind who conquered great kingdoms. intermarried with the locals. and became peaceful citizens.

o They were self-proclaimed "Warriors of God" trying to bring Christianity to "pagans" and "heathens" ... or else.

o They were the kind of warriors who show up, take all your stuff. and leave.

o Two of the above are correct.

o All of the above are correct.

o None of the above are correct.

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History: What kind of warriors were the vikings how did the story of
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