
What kind of person does the language used by juliet

Assignment task:

Begin by reading (carefully, and a number of times) 3.2.73-143 (as different editions have slightly different line numberings the passage begins with Juliet saying, "O serpent heart, hid with a flow'ring face!" and continues to the end of 3.2). Then consider the following question:

What kind of 'person' does the language used by this Juliet character create? Another way to think about this is perhaps, What (themes or ideas) is this Juliet-character 'about' (at this point in the play)?

Remember, as with the last, the more specific and precise you can get with this, the better. Look at individual word choices and images, and think about the 'personality' of this (imagined/illusory) person that is the result of those details. Really try to remember that the character is made by the language spoken by the actor, and consider what kind or sort of character we are here witnessing being built for us. Do not try to explain the person (because there isn't a person, only a character) and do not think that there is some kind of single or simple 'answer' to some sort of riddle. The language used in this passage is complicated, evocative, metaphorical, potentially even contradictory, so it requires and rewards an approach that is exploratory, question-based, open to possibilities and relational.

Once more, and I cannot say this enough, there is no person here 'revealing' who she 'is' -- there is complex and poetic language that, when performed by a talented actor, creates the illusion of a complex and poetic 'person'. By focusing on the complex possibilities of that language we can begin to get a better sense of the theatrical illusion we call "Juliet" and what's at stake in that imaginary figure.

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English: What kind of person does the language used by juliet
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