
What kind of leader do i want to become and why do not

Envisioning Leadership: What kind of Leader do I want to Become?

This Application Assignment will help you analyze and articulate who you want to become as a leader, the leadership role called for in the response you have identified, and your vision of leadership. As you complete this assignment, bring to mind leaders you truly admire both in and out of the early childhood field, and take time to think about the characteristics and actions that have earned your respect. Think about those people you "met" in your program of study who inspired you. Finally, use the following questions to guide and inform your thinking:

Part 1: Becoming the Leader you want to be

Drawing from the readings this week, and any additional research you would like to do, analyze what you have learned about leadership and these characteristics to yourself:

*What kind of leader do I want to become and why? (Do not hesitate to combine characteristics/skills/dispositions from a variety of leadership categories).

*What are possible obstacles I may have to overcome?

*What is my plan for developing the skills, knowledge, and dispositions to becoming the leader I want to be?

Part 2: Leading Your Challenge and Ideal Community of Practice

*What skills, dispositions, and knowledge does the person(s) who will lead my Ideal Community of Practice ( Low-income families with young children in early childhood education).

*What skills, dispositions, and knowledge does the person(s) who will lead my response efforts need in order to help ensure success?

*Will it the same person (s) for both tasks? Why/Why not?

Part 3: Your Personal Vision of Leadership

Again, drawing from the readings this week, any additional research you would like to do, and your experience completing this assignment. What is your personal vision of leadership?

A paper that articulates your personal vision of leadership. Be sure to address all of the questions Part 1-3. Do not hesitate to include quotes that encapsulate your thinking, and make sure your paper includes at least three scholarly resources and appropriate APA citations.

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Essay Writing: What kind of leader do i want to become and why do not
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