
What kind of evidence is used textual or historical

Using the library's catalog, the MLA database, or the JSTOR database, find a book or article addressing a major question or issue in the text you're interested in writing about. Remember that the article you choose should address directly the text in question: don't settle on a general analysis of nineteenth-century literature, for example, when looking for an article on Mrs. Warren's Profession. Read the article thoroughly, paying special attention to the author's thesis statement and supporting points. You will then write a summary of the article, emphasizing the article's argument (or thesis statement) and its supporting points (evidence). In your report you should include such information as: What is the article's argument? How does the author support this argument? Does she use evidence culled from a close reading of the text, or by relating the text to historical or cultural events? Or all of these things? Structure this inquiry according to short essay format, using a thesis statement and supporting paragraphs to explain the article you've chosen. Ultimately, how would you refute or further the argument you've just explained? Be sure to strategically use quotations from the article and the primary text to support your explication. The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the conventions of literary critical writing, so that you can utilize these conventions when you make your own argument in your Midterm and Final Paper. Remember to pay close attention to the author's rhetorical moves: how does she make her point sound compelling? What kind of evidence is used (textual, historical?), and how is it situated within the essay to make the argument seem as convincing as possible? This should be 1-2 pages in length, and due to me, via email, before class on the day we do the reading in question. Finally, make sure to format your citations in MLA format.

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English: What kind of evidence is used textual or historical
Reference No:- TGS0547854

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