
What kind of consumer sales promotions does this brand use

Assignment- Advertising & Sales Promotion Final Project

Find an advertising campaign for a product, service or idea. Respond to the questions/prompts below. Each question should have a response of at least 2 sentences; give complete and thought-out answers. Cite any sources that you use at the end of each lettered section. Include pictures and examples whenever possible.

A. Overview

1. Provide a link or attach a copy of the ad(s) you are using.
2. What is this campaign for? (include the product, service, or idea and the company that owns it)
3. What is the brand name?
4. Address each of the 4 Requirements of a Good Brand Name.
5. Does the product/service/idea use a logo and/or trade dress? If so, describe or attach.

B. Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning

1. How do you think this marketer is segmenting the overall market - by Demographics, Geodemographics, Psychographics, Behaviorgraphics, or some combination? Explain your answer.

2. Describe the target audience for this advertisement. You may want to use the VALS or PRIZM NE framework to help.

3. Is ad's target audience the same or smaller than the target market for the product as a whole?

4. What is the brand positioning conveyed by this advertisement? This should be a short statement.

C. Advertisement Effectiveness

1. Which of the 5 Advertising Functions does this campaign perform? Select the primary one and explain your response.
2. Does this advertisement satisfy the 5 considerations of effective advertising? Address each.
3. Does it have the three "CAN" elements? Address each.
4. Does it have the six features of a sticky message? Address each.

D. Creative Brief

1. What is the advertising objective?
2. What is the marketer trying to get the target audience to think or feel about the brand?
3. What is the brand personality?
4. What is the primary take away?
5. Does this advertising campaign have a slogan?
6. What creative style is being used by this ad - generic, preemptive, USP, brand image, resonance, emotional? Explain your answer.

E. Message Appeals

1. Does the ad use humor, fear, guilt, sex, or a celebrity?
2. Does music play a large role in this ad?
3. Is this a comparative ad?

F. Media Use

1. Have you seen this ad campaign in traditional media (TV, magazine, newspaper, or heard on radio)? Explain where.
2. Have you seen this ad campaign in digital media (SEO, online banner ads)? Explain where.
3. Does this product/service/idea have a website? If so, how is the advertising campaign used as part of the website?
4. Does this ad campaign use email marketing?
5. Is this brand present on social media? Which sites? How is the advertising campaign used on these sites?
6. Does the brand use direct mail?
7. Does the brand use brand placement in TV or Movies or Games?
8. Based on your viewings of this ad, does this ad campaign use a continuous, pulsing and/or flighting schedule?

G. Sales Promotions

1. What kind of consumer sales promotions does this brand use?
2. What objectives or tasks are these promotions trying to accomplish?

H. Competition & Prior Advertisements

1. Give a brief description of how this ad campaign compares to the brand's competition.
2. Give a brief description of how this ad campaign differs from a recent campaign by the brand.

I. Improvements

1. What is your overall impression about this ad campaign? Is it effective?
2. What improvements or redesigns would you make to this ad campaign to make it more effective? Explain your choices.

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Marketing Management: What kind of consumer sales promotions does this brand use
Reference No:- TGS02759086

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