
What kind of characterspoetic personae do you encounter in

Essay Assignment: Explication/Close-reading essay

Learning outcomes addressed in the assignment: a) mastery of literary terms/movements b) close-reading of literary texts c) constructing rhetorically astute arguments based on close-reading of texts.

Over the course of our class discussions, we have become familiar with the terms "Neoclassical" and "Romantic" as applied to literature in the Age of Enlightenment and the Age of Imagination respectively. A quick recapitulation of the characteristics:


• Emphasis on reason
• Restraint in style and expression
• Influence of the classics
• Social themes
• Use of satire
• Instructional value of literature

(For details, consult the website on Neoclassicism uploaded on vista under "weblinks")


• Centrality of imagination
• Glorification of nature
• Attraction to rebellion
• Glorification of childhood
• Focus on the supernatural
• Attention to the past
• Yearning for faraway places
• Celebration of rustic life

In this essay, you will choose any ONE text that we have read in class, and demonstrate, through close reading it, WHY it might be termed "Neoclassical" OR "Romantic." Here are some prompts to help you close-read your chosen text:

• What is the dominant theme of the text? Does the title indicate the theme in any way? How can the theme be related to what you understand by "Neoclassical" or "Romantic"?

• What kind of characters/poetic personae do you encounter in the text?

• What kind of images (of nature, of the society and social relations) does the text use?

• Examine the language of the text. What kind of words/phrases does the text use, and how do these relate to the theme?

• What overall effect do you think the text is meant to have on you?

• Finally, consider your position as an audience. What elements of the text resonate with you? Does your response correspond with any of the elements of Neoclassical or Romantic literature that we have discussed? In other words, could you, as a reader, consider this a "successful" Neoclassical or Romantic text? What aspect of the text stands out to you the most? Why?

Use the very last prompt to construct your thesis: what makes this text a successful Neoclassical or Romantic (any one) text for you? Start your essay with the thesis, and use your close reading to support your argument.

Note: No research or support of outside source is needed for this essay.

Length of the essay: 5 pages, typed double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. Include a title and a works cited page in the MLA format.

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