Our client, Mrs. Euphemia Welsher, has come to the firm with a problem. She is a resident of New York City, but spends two months of every year in Canada, as she owns a cottage outside Kingston. Recently a Canadian charity called the World United Fund ran a $1 million campaign to build a school in another country. Mrs. Welsher likes children, and she promised to give $100,000 to the campaign. The next day she heard on the radio that the campaign was successfully ended, and an architect had been hired to draw up plans for the school. A representative of the World United Fund left her several voicemail messages reminding her that they hadn't yet received her $100,000 donation. Mrs. Welsher told the Fund that she changed her mind. She now intends to give the money to the Home for Stray Cats, which is right around the corner from where she lives in New York City, so she can observe the positive effects of her donation on the feline residents. The person from the Fund said a very bad word, then yelled "See you in court!" and slammed down the phone. Mrs. Welsher is worried that the World United Fund might sue her.
A. What does the client want?
B. What are the relevant facts?
C. What is the general area of law?
D. What is the specific area of law?
E. What keywords helped you identify the area?
F. Formulate the issue(s).
G. Are there any hidden issues? What are they?
H. Do you need any further information? If so, what do you need?