What key words would you use in the search

Assignment: Marketing Research

Text Book: Essentials of marketing research by Joseph Hair, Mary Celsi, Robert Bush and David Ortinau, Third Edition. ISBN 0077499107, 9780077499105.

Chapter 1 - Pages 18 and 19

• Based on your understanding of Chapter 1, what kind of information about products, services, and customers should the owners of Santa Fe Grill consider collecting?

• Is a research project actually needed? Is the best approach a survey of customers? Should employees also be surveyed? Why or why not?

Chapter 3 - Pages 58

• What kinds of secondary data are likely to be useful?

• Conduct a search of secondary data sources for material that could be used by the Santa Fe Grill owners to better understand the problems/opportunities facing them. Use Google, Yahoo!, Twitter, or other search tools to do so.

• What key words would you use in the search?

• Summarize what you found in your search.

Page 67

• What research questions should be examined?
• What hypotheses should be tested?
• Should the literature search be expanded? If yes, how?

Page 69

• Based on your understanding of the material presented in Chapter 3 and the above key research questions, should the owners of the Santa Fe Grill Mexican restaurant go back and restate their questions? If "no," why not? If "yes," why? Suggest how the research questions could be restated.

• Regarding the owners' desire to understand the interrelationships between customer satisfaction, restaurant store image, and customer loyalty, develop a set of hypotheses that might be used to investigate these interrelationships.

Chapter 4 - Page 92

• Do the two areas of the research project proposed by the consultant include all the areas that need to be researched? If not, which others need to be studied?

• 2. Can these topics be fully understood with qualitative research alone? Is quantitative research needed as well?

Chapter 2 - Read pages 42, 43, and 44 - What does a Research Proposal look like? -

Answer questions at the end on page 44

• If this proposal is accepted, will it achieve the objectives of management?
• Is the target population being interviewed the appropriate one?
• Are there other questions that should be asked in the project?


Chapter 4 - Read pages 100 and 101 - Reaching Hispanics through Qualitative Research

- Answer questions at the end on page 101

• Should marketing researchers working with Latinos concentrate solely on qualitative research? Explain your answer.

• Could qualitative research be used to improve quantitative methods such as surveys? Explain your answer.

• What challenges do researchers face in conducting research with the Latino market- place online? How can researchers minimize the effects of these difficulties?

• Think of one or two cultures or subcultures with which you are at least somewhat familiar. Would qualitative research be especially useful for these cultures? Why or why not?


Chapter 5 - Read pages 128 and 129 - Riders Fits New Database into Brand Launch -

Answer questions at the end on page 129

• What was Lee Apparel Company's overall goal for conducting such an extensive test market of its new line of jeans under the brand name "Riders"? In your opinion did the company achieve its goal? Why or why not?

• Identify and explain the strengths and weaknesses associated with the test market process used by the Lee Apparel Company.

• In your opinion, should the company give consideration to the development and implementation of Internet-based test marketing strategies? Why or why not?

Format your assignment according to the give formatting requirements:

• The answer must be using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, typed, with one-inch margins on all sides.

• The response also includes a cover page containing the student's name, the title of the assignment, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

• Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Marketing Research: What key words would you use in the search
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