1. What are some of the essential components ofJIT?
2. What are types of waste?
3. What are factors that can create a competitive advantage?
4. What are key decisions in project management?
5. Define SWOT and give an exlmple of each element.
6. What issues should be considered in a make or buy decision?
7. What are factors which should be considered in a location decision?
8. What are key differences between a manufacturing and a service operation?
9. Describe the life cycle of a product and the concept of mass customization.
10.What are the steps in a process efficiency audit?
Resource: Collier, D. A., & Evans, J. R. (2013). OM 4 (with Review Cards and Decision Sciences & Operations Management CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card) (4e). Mason, OH: SouthWestern/Cengage.