
What issue related to the field of early childhood would i

Passion meets reality; This is my challenge.

For this week's application assignment, you will being to identify the issue and a related challenge that will be your focus throughout this course EDUC 6990. For now, the sky is the limit where would you like to make a difference? What issue moves you deeply, draws on your passion, and energizes your soul?

After you have identified the issued that you would most like to influence, think about the challenges this issue presents for instance, if the issue of homeless families resonates with you, some of the related challenges might include:

How can homeless families in your community obtain adequate health care for their children? How can early childhood program in your community enroll children whose families are homeless and respond to their specific needs? How can social services agencies in your state provide essential prenatal care to homeless mothers who are pregnant.

Answer these questions.

In order to begin the process of determining the challenge that will be the focal point of your Capstone Project, write a narrative summary of your thinking at this point. Include responses to the following questions?

What issue related to the field of early childhood would I most like to influence?

Why I am drawn to this issue/

What challenge related to the issue would I like to make the focus of my Capstone Project?

Why is this challenge worthwhile to take on from the perspective of the early childhood.

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Essay Writing: What issue related to the field of early childhood would i
Reference No:- TGS02835545

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