
What issue in society today absolutely ticks

What issue in society today absolutely ticks you off? What issue are you passionate about? Is it pollution? Minority rights? The war? The draft? GMOs? Deforestation? The Green movement? Overdevelopment? Landfills? Genetic engineering? Cloning? 

Now, you get a chance to make your voice heard. In this project, you will write a five-paragraph PSA (public service announcement) to draw attention to an important issue we covered in Unit Five. 

A PSA is an advertisement featured on television, radio, or print. It is intended to benefit the public interest, by raising awareness of an issue, altering attitudes, and potentially stimulating people to take action. 

While the most common PSAs are about health or safety, we will be limiting ourselves to topics we covered in Unit Five.

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History: What issue in society today absolutely ticks
Reference No:- TGS0525646

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