
What isare your goals what is the sources of motivation for

Assignment: Academic and Career Goals Before You Begin...

To successfully complete your assignment, you should have completed the following tasks:

From the textbook, Keys to effective learning: Study skills and habits for success, read: Chapter 1, "Habits for Success: Reality Check" Chapter 4, "Setting and Reaching Goals: Using Values, Stress Management, and Teamwork" This module, you will write about at least one academic goal (which is achieving a specific degree) and at least one career goal (which is seeking a particular job position or starting your own business). Note: These are two separate goals you will be describing.

An important aspect of achieving your academic goal is knowing the academic advising you have available as an Argosy student. For Online students, this means identifying the members and roles of your Grad Team. For campus-based students using this course, it is recognizing the role of your academic advisor as well as the assistance offered through the Student Support Services staff. You learned about this important aspect of your academic success in this module's lectures.

To get started with this assignment, write your goal statement. In one paragraph, describe your academic goal(s). Then, in another paragraph, write about your career goal(s). Make sure each paragraph includes answers to the following questions:

What is/are your goal(s)? What is the source(s) of motivation for you to achieve each goal? Is the motivation intrinsic, extrinsic, or both? (See the lecture about motivation for definitions of intrinsic and extrinsic.) How will your attitude toward the learning process help or hinder the achievement of each goal? Do you need to make some adjustments? Why or why not? Remember the following when writing your goals:
Is your goal clear? Is it measurable? Is it realistic? After you have drafted your goal paragraphs in the last paragraph of this assignment, you will do the following:

For Online Students: Go to the My Contacts section of the Campus Common to locate the members of your Grad Team. Describe the role of each member of your Grad Team and how that person can help you achieve your academic goal. For Campus-Based Students: Identify the advisor you were assigned when you enrolled. This may be an academic advisor or a department chair depending on your campus. If you do not remember who your advisor is, contact the Student Services Office or the College of Undergraduate Studies (CUGS) Chair. Describe any contact you have had with your advisor and what role s/he will play as you progress toward your academic goal. Note for all students: It is a good idea to record the name and contact information for your advisor(s) and save this information in an easily accessible place (maybe your phone, your address book, or a folder with your registration materials) so you have it readily available throughout this course and your academic career.

Type your goal statement paragraphs and your Grad Team/Advisor description in an MS Word document. (If you do not have MS Word, write your goal statement in an MS WordPad or Mac TextEdit .rtf file.)

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