Case instructions
Assignment Overview
Based on your general research direction, please pick one recent (last 5 years) paper from either one of these top journals. The paper should differ from the ones you picked in Case 3 and Case 4, and should have hypotheses in it.
Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Finance, MIS Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Marketing, or Journal of Consumer Research.
Case Assignment
Write a paper which addresses the following issues with regard to the paper you picked:
1. What is the research topic of the paper? Why is it important?
2. What is/are the research question/s? Note that these can be implied or explicitly stated in the papers you have chosen.
3. What is the overall theory of this paper? Use a figure model as needed.
4. Think of variables (one IV, one moderator, and one mediator) which the authors did not discuss and can influence their model. Develop at least three hypotheses for these effect (one for each - IV, moderator, mediator), and justify your hypotheses.
5. Conclude your report with a paragraph or so evaluating the entire exercise in terms of what you have learned and your reflections on the topic.
Please organize your paper in a scholarly way. Add section titles when necessary. Explain your logic and when appropriate, use external sources and use proper citations.
The paper is usually between 5 and 12 pages long.
Assignment Expectations
1. Able to search for academic papers.
2. Able to understand the key research questions, hypotheses, types of variables and research models in papers.
3. Able to understand and articulate the importance of research models.
4. Able to understand research models and how they relate to research questions.
5. Able to construct hypotheses with regards to IV, mediators and moderators.
6. Answer the questions with clarity, depth and critical thinking.
7. Completeness and coherence: Chain of thought is easy to follow.
8. Collected relevant evidences and consulted additional papers/resources to support the propositions.
9. Paper is clearly written with appropriate format. Reference list is complete. Citation is properly done.
My notes:
My Hypothesis: The market demand and organizational culture defines innovation and performance in a company
Cite sources within your comment to support your statements.
Include references, properly formatted
8 Pgs
Required Reading
Steiner, E. (1988). Methodology of theory building.
Gioia, D. A., & Pitre, E. (1990). Multiparadigm perspectives on theory building. Academy of Management Review, 15(4), 584-602.