This proposal should be directed towards Amazon Inc. Please be creative.
It should also contain these headings. Document has to be one page only.
1. Documents Purpose
2. Summary of background and problem
3. Outline the clients need (e.i. Needs Assessment)
4. Proposed Plan; propose and solution
5. Limitations; sets realistic expectations
Your proposal should also answer the following questions: What company did you choose? Why did you choose this company?
What is your writing plan? What concerns do you have about completing the Final Report (what risks are there)? How do you plan to overcome those risks?
In the writing plan, you needed to talk specifically about how you plan to conduct research (i.e., what sources you will use, etc.) as well as the limits of the plan (i.e., will there be any information to which you will not have access? What constraints do you face in terms of time to complete the report?).