
What is your understanding of what roberts means by lucie

I have attached an article and need a few questions answered...please read below

In her critical essay on Bell's novel titled "Narrative Healing in Betty Louise Bell's Faces in the Moon," Roberts describes Lucie as a "detribalized" Cherokee woman who has experienced intergenerational trauma as a result of Euroamerican colonization and how it impacted Cherokee women, specifically, and the Cherokee Nation as a whole. What is your understanding of what Roberts means by Lucie initially being "detribalized," and what is your understanding of how Lucie has experienced "intergenerational trauma" based on some of the details we know about her life and family history?

Roberts proceeds to discuss how Bell uses both fiction and autobiography to construct a "journey of remembrance" in Faces in the Moon through the Native women characters' "sharing of secrets and stories." By remembering and narrating both the positive and painful stories of her life and those of her ancestors, Roberts claims, Lucie (and also Bell) are able to find healing and "retribalize" themselves as proud Cherokee women. Summarize Roberts' discussion of how remembrance and the "sharing of secrets and stories" lead to Lucie's transformation from being ashamed and skeptical about her Cherokee heritage earlier in the novel to proudly embracing it by the novel's conclusion. Be sure to use details and text from Roberts' essay, and cite these correctly.

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Dissertation: What is your understanding of what roberts means by lucie
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