Question 1
For the spot in the calculator that says (1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) cost), plug in the value of 21.3 cents (this was the average kWh cost in San Diego, CA, in Nov 2014). This is a high number!
I want you to calculate the Electricity cost per month of all the items in the drop down menu and write up your answers in chart form below.
(remember to change the 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) cost to 21.3 each time!
Appliance Electricity cost per month
ex. dishwasher (I put in 1 hours) ex. $10.37
ex. vacuum (I put in 0.2 hours) ex. $2.07
and so on............
Question 2
Next, after you've gone through all the appliances on the site and listed them in question #1 above, add up all the MONTHLY Electricity cost per month in your right column.
What is your total monthly cost that you calculated?
Question 3-
Was this amount higher than you expected? Were you shocked that people living in San Diego in Nov 2014 paid so much?