
What is your topic why did you select this topic what are


This assignment is designed to encourage students to think about one specific topic in psychology. Your final assignment consists of three parts. You must complete each part to receive a final grade on this assignment.

Part One -

Students will select a topic in psychology that they would like to examine in greater depth. The selection of topics is almost endless, so be creative and select something that is interesting or meaningful to you.

Students should write a description of their topic (approximately 500 words) and list a minimum of 3 resources that they intend to use for their assignment, including ONE refereed journal article. Your description should answer the following questions:

What is your topic?

Why did you select this topic?

What are some things that you would like to learn in your research?

Where will you find your information?

Part Two -

Students will write a paper that discusses their research. All papers must be double-spaced and have 1 inch margins. Papers should be 5 to 8 pages in length not including references and appendices.

At least one reference for your paper must come from a refereed journal. Other resources might include textbooks, popular literature, newspaper, magazine articles, and experts in the field. A suggested format for the paper is:

• Introduction to your topic

• Summary of your research

• Analysis of key findings

• Conclusion

• References

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Dissertation: What is your topic why did you select this topic what are
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