What is your take from the quotes


Read and reflect on the given quotes. What is your take from this? Go a little further in depth

"The Rebecca returned to London in June, and León Fandiño continued stopping and searching British ships in Caribbean waters. London merchants were increasingly irritated because it was disrupting trade and costing them money, and they wanted to see Spain punished.

"As Enlightenment ideas spread throughout eighteenth-century Europe, the old order was called into question: the divine right of kings, the nature of commerce, how agriculture, finance and manufacturing could best benefit the nation. And on issues relating to the New World and the Caribbean - empire, slavery, trade - there were numerous conflicts and contradictions in the most important writings of the time."

"Some thinkers were prejudiced not only against African slaves but also against the Europeans born in the colonies. Creoles, many of whom had been on the islands for generations, were taunted as weak and degenerate in body and mind."

"The issue of racial mixing was born of and sustained by hypocrisy throughout the Caribbean, but especially in Saint-Domingue, where the wealth and status of free people of colour was a continual source of resentment for the white planters, as well as the poor whites."

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History: What is your take from the quotes
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