
What is your specific narrow topic for your research

Topic is Economic inequality

Research Paper Proposal

To prepare for your proposal, you will do some preliminary research using tools such as GVRL, Wikipedia, Google Advanced Search, and Shoreline Library's academic databases, and you will narrow down and solidify your research project. Remember that your topic needs to be inspired by a human rights or social justice concern (please also heed the "off-limits" topics request). It also needs to be quite narrow, so that your topic is both manageable and specific enough for a strong and effective 8-10 page paper.

After submitting your proposal, you will do two peer reviews on Canvas. The peer review assignment directions are here: Research Proposal Peer Review

Proposal Prompt

For your first major assignment, write a research proposal that details your research topic, your research questions, and your research plan. Answer each question in as much detail as possible; be specific and precise in your answers:

1. What is your specific, narrow topic for your research project? What is the particular angle you will take on this topic? For example, if you choose to research homelessness, will you explore causes? effects? programs to address it? homelessness in a particular geographical area? amongst a particular group (women, war veterans, etc.)? Be as specific and thorough as possible.

2. Why have you chosen this topic? What intellectual, academic, and personal stake do you have in this topic?

3. What are your research questions for this topic? What specific questions will your research hope to answer? Ask "how" and "why" questions that inspire complexity and depth for your topic, and that challenge your to analyze the topic, rather than just state information. (Avoid yes/no questions, or questions that can be easily answered with a piece of data or a statistic).

4. When searching in library catalogues and online databases, what keywords or key terms will you use in your search that you think will help you find the information you need? List as many keywords as you can, separated by commas. Remember to list keywords or phrases, not full sentences.

5. Most of your research and writing will be done outside of class time. What plan do you have for getting your research and writing done this quarter? Tell me how you will schedule 3-5 hours of research and writing per week.

6. What have you already found out about this topic through your preliminary research? Be specific about the kinds of materials you've already consulted and what you found out. Name at least two sources you've consulted and read: name the title, author, and publication. Write out what new information you found out.

Write this proposal in numbered paragraphs, making sure to respond thoroughly to every single numbered question. Consult the rubric to see how each section of the proposal will be weighted.

Formatting Requirements
*700-1000 words (2-3 double-spaced pages)
12-pt Times New Roman font
1-in margins

Heading, upper right-hand corner, single-spaced: Name, Date, Assignment Name
An interesting title!
Name your document: "FirstName_Proposal"
Please see the syllabus for this class's late and missing work policy
*If you are using an international or non-Microsoft version of Word, please check your word count.

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Reference No:- TGS02159713

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