
What is your slogan or motto


Introduce Yourself!

Please take this opportunity to introduce yourself and to learn something about each other.

Be sure to include the following information:

• Your name
• A little bit about yourself
• How you think this course will help you
• A motto that you feel reflects your values (see the instructions for this below)

What is your slogan or motto? You will use this information as part of the development of your personal brand throughout the course.

Many companies have slogans or "mottoes" which reflect their values. For example, McDonald's uses the slogan, "Have you had your break today?" Ford Motor Company uses the slogan, "Quality is Job One." Write an original slogan to describe yourself and share it with the class along with your introduction.

After you post your introduction and motto, take time to review the responses of your classmates and provide your feedback to at least two classmates' posts.

To obtain full credit, you must answer the available question as thoroughly as possible.

This is me Please put this together is does not have to be apa style

My name is Gwendolyn Rodriguez

this is my 4th term at Kaplan

My slogan "Follow you dream go for it" or "Go for it and follow your dream" It doesnt hurt to move forward in life for what you want to be in life.

I want to own a hotel in my near future.

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Other Management: What is your slogan or motto
Reference No:- TGS01785585

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