
What is your response to van duzers big-picture thinking

Quesiton: Van Duzer's big-picture thinking (as delineated in Why Business Matter to God) can be interpreted as follows:

• Creation-God created all things good, including business;

• Fall-all things have fallen from that original goodness;

• Redemption-God has redeemed and is transforming all things back to their original goodness, including business; and

• Consummation-Christ will return and usher in the completely renewed heaven and earth, wherein business-like activity may still be conducted, but perfectly so.

What is your response to Van Duzer's big-picture thinking? What are 3 related implications for the role of human resource development (HRD) as a strategic function in any business?

Write your response in a Microsoft Word document. Your written response must be in current APA format, double-spaced, and 400-700 words.

Include a reference page, and be sure to have in-text citations for the following sources:

• At least 2 citations from Mello (2015).

• At least 1 citation from Van Duzer (2010).

• At least 2 citations from related scholarly journals (e.g. Human Resource Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, Christian Scholars Review).

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Dissertation: What is your response to van duzers big-picture thinking
Reference No:- TGS02939915

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