What is your research question and how will it contribute

Final Assignment

Page constraints: 18 pages max, double-spaced, standard margins, 12pt. Font, ASA format

Your final paper will include:

1) A title page (1 page)

2) An abstract (1 paragraph)

3) An introduction (1-2 pages)

4) A revised literature review (your HW 2 revised) (2-4 pages)

5) A revised methods and results sections (your HW 3, HW 4, OR HW 5 revised) (3-6 pages)

6) A discussion and conclusion (2-3 pages)

7) A works cited page (revised from previous assignments) (1 page)

Below you will find specific directions for each section.

1) A title page (1 page)

Give your paper a title, and format your paper in ASA format (including your title page).

You can find a sample paper on the course website.

2) An abstract (1 paragraph)

In one paragraph summarize:

Your research topic

Your method

Describe your data

What was your main finding?

How does that finding contribute to the literature?

8) An introduction (1-2 pages)

Your introduction should follow the following template

In 2-3 Paragraphs introducing first gen students

Define first gen students

Why is important to pay attention to first gen students?

What are some noteworthy inequalities first gen students face?

In 1 paragraph:

What is your research question and how will it contribute to sociological understandings of the challenges first gen students face, and the supports that are effective at intervening with first gen students?

Briefly say what type of method you will use and what kind of data (even tho you will be repetitive.

In sentence, provide a "roadmap" for the paper--what will you discuss in which order?

You may cite literature here, but do not discuss any study at length

You MUST avoid language that is unnecessarily general, flowery, and vague.

9) A revised literature review (your HW 2 revised) (2-4 pages)

Revise your literature review:

according to Alex's feedback. You will be graded on how effective you have been at addressing her feedback.

To tailor it to the method and results section you are using.

You may add more sources should you choose.

Remember to include all references in your works cited page.

10) A revised methods and results sections (your HW 3, HW 4, OR HW 5 revised) (3-6 pages)

Revise one of your methods and results sections according to Alex's feedback, choosing between HW 3, HW 4 OR HW 5. You will be graded on how effective you have been at addressing her feedback.

Remember to include all references in your works cited page.

11) A discussion and conclusion (2-3 pages)

You will draft and submit a discussion and conclusion section using the following template:

1 paragraph: Summarize your findings (you can be repetitive from your results section, but do not repeat verbatim)

1 paragraph:

What do these findings say in response to your research question?

Why do you think you arrived at these findings?

1-2 paragraphs: What do these findings contribute to the literature?

Think specifically about the literature in your literature review.

What's new or interesting about your findings?

What kind of data would be useful in furthering this study?

1-2 p

aragraphs: What are the limitations of your study? What can your study speak to, but what can it NOT speak to?

1 paragraph: What research does your study call for next? Based upon your finding, what further research is relevant? What would you like to do to expand upon your study and why would that be relevant?

1-2 paragraphs: What does this say about the value of continuing research on first gen students? What does it say about the need for society and educational institutions to support students differently/more?

12) A works cited page (revised from previous assignments) (1 page)

Remember to cite using ASA style throughout your paper.

Remember to include all references and data sources used in the paper.

Use ASA format.

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Dissertation: What is your research question and how will it contribute
Reference No:- TGS02903987

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