Problem: What is your philosophy of education?
In my philosophy, I can see education as huge umbrella contain three things: students, teachers, and educational environment. We have several types of student like emotional, physical and visual, that's why the teacher should prepare themselves to deal with all these types. However, students and teachers can't express themselves and do great work if they are in uncomfortable education environment so, the education environment contains there needs to achieve and develop the education proses.
Write 2-3 pages, (excluding references) about your philosophy in Education and support your philosophy by providing some reasons behind your perspectives.
12 Roman Times- double -space
The content and structure of the assignment are as below:
1. Title
Provide a brief information leading to the statement of the topic of your assignment
3- Content:
Depends on your perspectives.
4- Reference List
All authors/research work cited in the in-text citation should be listed in the reference list.
8- Style
The report should use an APA referencing/citation style in both in-text and referencing format.