
What is your overall reaction to this proposal does it make


1. What is your overall reaction to this proposal? Does it make you want to go out and do something about the problem?

2. Are you convinced that the problem is of concern to you? If not, why not?

3. Does the thesis clearly call for action? Is the proposal as clear and specific as possible?

4. Is enough evidence furnished to get the audience to support the proposal? If not, what kind of additional evidence is needed? Does any of the evidence provided seem inappropriate or ineffective? Why

5. Are you persuaded that the writer's solution is workable? Why, or why not?

6. Has the writer paid enough attention to readers and their concerns?

7. Restate what you understand to be the proposal's major points?

a. Problem
b. Explanation of problem and why it matters
c. Proposed solution
d. Explanation of proposal and its practicality
e. Reasons and procedure to implement proposal
f. Proposal's advantages, disadvantages, and responses to other solutions

8. Will readers understand the relationship among the thesis, supporting details, refutation, and evidence? If not, how might those connections be clearer? Is the function of every paragraph clear? Are more transitions needed?

9. Is the documentation appropriate and consistent?

10. If this paper were yours., what is the one thing you would be sure to work on before handing it in?

11. Highlight any grammar and spelling errors in the essay. Then offer suggestions for change.

12. Highlight all contractions and fix them. Highlight all first and second person pronouns. Fix them for the author. Highlight all instances of you or your, and offer suggestions.

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Dissertation: What is your overall reaction to this proposal does it make
Reference No:- TGS02552941

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