
What is your opinion regarding filmtv viewing is it an



Chicanos And Film: Representation and Resistance
Chon Noriega
ISBN-10: 0816622183
ISBN-13: 978-0816622184


Each student is required to view a total of three (3) of the following online films + television programs listed below (details listed below). These films are available on DVD via Los Angeles Public Library, Los Angeles County Library, Santa Monica Library, Beverly Hills Library, CSUN Oviatt Library, and other public library systems as well as are available for daily rental at and at Videotheque (South Pasadena) as well as other video rental stores. Some films are available on-demand via Netflixand on YouTube. Most listed films are available in DVD format for sale via Amazon or other online retailers.

Each student must view (from start to finish):

Baby Kake
Directed by Harry Gamboa Jr.
Youtube video: "Harry Gamboa Jr. - Baby Kake - Artist's Video Projects - MOCAtv"

Each student must locate any two of the films listed below, then rent, borrow, download, or buy for viewing (from start to finish) the complete films.

View film/tv program free online trailers:

Los Olvidados
directed by
Luis Buñuel
Youtube video: "Los Olvidados (Los Olvidados, 1950). De Luis Buñuel. TRAILER"

Touch of Evil
Directed by
Orson Welles
Youtube video: "Touch of Evil Official Trailer #1 - Charlton Heston Movie (1958) HD"

American Me
Directed by
Edward James Olmos
Youtube video: "American Me - Trailer"

Cabeza de Vaca
Directed by
Nicolás Echevarría
Youtube video: "Cabeza de Vaca......trailer"

The King
Directed by
Milo Addica
Starring: Gael Garcia Bernal
Youtube video: "The King (Trailer)"

Pan's Labyrinth
Directed by
Guillermo del Toro
Youtube video: "Pans Labyrinth - Official Movie Trailer"

Directed by
Robert Rodriguez
Youtube video: "Official Machete Trailer HD"

Breaking Bad (Entire Six Seasons)
Creator: Vince Gilligan
Starring: Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Anna Gunn
Youtube video: "BREAKING BAD - Seasons 1-5 Trailer"

End of Watch
Directed by David Ayer
Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Peña, Anna Kendrick
Youtube video: "End Of Watch - Official Trailer 2012 [HD]"

Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia
directed by
Sam Peckinpah
Youtube video: "Trailer: Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia - 1974"

You must write a 4-page essay:

The essay must be typed using either Helvetica or Times New Roman fonts, point size 12, double-spaced. Do not include any graphics, drawings, photographs, charts, or sketches. Use only white paper. Use only black ink. Prior to submitting the essay, be certain to place staple on upper left corner (the title page must appear on top of the five-page essay).

Title Page

(title page should include the following centered on page:

Chicana/os/Mexican: Films and TV

Also add the following information at lower right of this page:

Your Name (as it appears on your student I.D. card)
TuTh 11:00AM-12:15PM
Spring 2018

4-Page essay

Read the following to formulate an effective essay:

Be certain to write a well thought out narrative that fully expresses your film/tv viewing experiences, makes clear connections to the readings, and that also makes the essay a worthwhile read.

It is suggested that each written page should contain two (2) paragraphs each, i.e., your complete essay should consist of eight (8) paragraphs.

When writing your essay, include aspects about your viewing experience in relation to your observations, reactions, and thoughts resulting from the content and style of the films/tv programs viewed for this project.

How are Chicana/os and Mexicans portrayed in the three (3) films/tv programs that you have viewed for this project?

Do you feel that portrayals Chicana/os and Mexicans are subject to stereotypes? If so, in what way? Provide examples from your viewing of selected films.

How are Chicana/os and Mexicans valued culturally in these selected films/tv? Does it appear that other cultural groups are valued at a different level of social status? If so, in what way? Provide examples from your viewing of selected films.

What is your opinion regarding film/tv viewing? Is it an important aspect of you life experience? If so, in what way?

Do you utilize film/tv viewing as a method of acquiring broad social, cultural, informational, economic, and English language usage knowledge? If so, in what way?

How has film/tv viewing affected the way you understand your role in society to be important?

Do you view film/tv viewing only as entertainment? If so, in what way?

How does the format of screen (personal device, computer, television, video monitor, projection screen) of viewing the film/tv program affect your viewing experience?

Explain whether your appreciation of film viewing in relation to the representation of Chicana/os and Mexicans in film media has been enhanced by this project.

How do the three films/tv programs viewed for this assigned project compare with all of the other films/tv programs that you have viewed throughout your lifetime?

Be certain, to include proper spelling for titles of films and the names of directors, actors, writers.

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History: What is your opinion regarding filmtv viewing is it an
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