
What is your opinion on the continued use of thalidomide


Watch the video on the Thalidomide tragedy, a drug approved and first marketed in Germany in the 1950s before being distributed to other countries, including the US. The video shows the importance of oversight, although it is not always perfect.

YouTube Video: "The Shadow of the Thalidomide Tragedy | Retro Report | The New York Times"


A. Were you aware of this tragedy that happened?

B. What was the main trigger to the problem that enabled such a large-scale and widespread impact globally?

C. What should be done differently to ensure this does not happen again?

D. Are you aware of any other cases similar to this one involving the approval and safety of drugs?

E. Do you think it is possible or likely to experience such an event again?

a. Why?
b. What safeguards and precautions are in place to ensure such a tragedy does not happen again?

F. What are the similarities and differences between this case and the Tuskegee study?

G. What is your opinion on the continued use of Thalidomide?

H. Do you have any examples of controversial drugs in continued use because of their benefits?

I. What are your opinion and thoughts?

J. Should such drugs be banned or not? Give your reasons.

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