
What is your motivational tendency

Assignment task:

After learning about SMART goal in class on Tuesday, use the "My Goals" example to write 1 long-term academic goal and 3 short-term academic goals. Your long-term academic goal needs to be attainable within a period of 1-5 years. Your short-term academic goals need to be for the remainder of this term.

Tracking your progress: Now that you've set some goals, what is your plan to track your progress on those goals? Identify a time for each goal to check-in on your progress - be specific. For example, "On Monday's @ 10:00 am before classes start, I will take 5 minutes to reflect on this past week and the progress I am making toward my goals..."

What is your Motivational Tendency (covered in class #3 lecture)? What strategies and tips (minimum 3) can you implement that will assist you in maintaining motivation and reducing procrastination? Utilize information from the Motivational Strategies & Tips in the Content Module (class #3), the class lecture, and the reading (such as making a plan section, etc.).

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Other Subject: What is your motivational tendency
Reference No:- TGS03383203

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