
What is your main dependent variable that is what is the

Exploratory Writing about Possible Directions for Research on the Need-Support model

This assignment is due via e-mail by; it may be, at most, 1 to 2 pages long. You may format this assignment however you want - as long as it's legible, in Word format, includes page numbers and APA-style citations for anything you quote, and has in the header your name and the date. I'll print out and copy these pages for class.

This assignment is worth up to 3 points. I'm looking for evidence of cognitive loosening - of thinking about all kinds of hypotheses. I'm also looking for evidence of cognitive tightening when you come up with an idea for a study, including your manipulations, measures, and hypotheses. Feel free to chat with each other and me - including about main effects and interactions!

Part 1:

This is the cognitive loosening part. Brainstorm like crazy! Come up with 5-10 bullet points of hypotheses (predictions) relating to regulatory focus and/or need support. These can include - but don't have to include - any hypotheses .

Part 2:

This is the cognitive tightening part. Pick a hypothesis you find especially interesting from your Part 1 and see if you can design an experiment about it. For you to consider:

• Your experiment needs to have at least one between-subjects independent variable - that is, that has at least two conditions, with participants randomly assigned to conditions.

• It can have up to one other predictor variable. This predictor variable can be another independent variable, or it can be a subject variable (a personality variable or demographic variable that you'd measure in order to use it as a predictor).

• What is your main dependent variable? That is, what is the outcome you're measuring in your study?

• What are your hypotheses?

o First, just state what you think would happen in your study in your own words.

o Try drawing your prediction in a figure:

• Then, try stating what you think will happen, using the concepts of main effects and interactions.

o If you have only one predictor, state what you think the effect of that predictor on the dependent variable will be.

o If you have more than one predictor, then it is possible to have a main effect for each predictor. A main effect occurs when there is an effect on the dependent variable when averaging across the levels of the other predictor. If you have more than one predictor, then for each predictor, state whether you think there will be a main effect.

o If you have more than one predictor, it is also possible to have an interaction effect. An interaction effect occurs when the effect of an independent variable on the dependent variable is different at one level of the other predictor than at the other level of the other predictor. If you have more than one predictor, state whether you think there will be an interaction effect.

• Finally, what do you imagine the procedure of your study would look like to participants?

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English: What is your main dependent variable that is what is the
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