What is your initial emotional response to the photo


A. Research one of the photographers listed below and choose one photograph to evaluate:

• Julia Margaret Cameron
• Diane Arbus
• Ansel Adams
• Edward Weston
• Cindy Sherman
• Carrie Mae Weems
• Henri Cartier Bresson
• Jerry Uelsmann
• Gordon Parks
• Catherine Opie
• Sandy Skoglund
• James Van Der Zee

B. Include the artist's name, title of photograph, and date in your response.

C. Evaluate the photograph according to the following criteria:

• What is your initial emotional response to the photo?

• Describe the subject matter. (What specifically does the viewer see?)

• Explain the content (the meaning).

• What is the primary focal point?

• What is the purpose or function of the art according to the textbook?

D. Inspired by the photographer of your choice, take your own photo expressing a similar message or feeling. Upload it to the discussion board. Answer the following:

• What is your title?

• What is the primary focal point of your photo?

• What message do you want to communicate?

• How is your photo similar and/or different from the artist you chose in Part A, explaining specific similarities and differences in subject matter, content, emphasis, purpose, and function?

Format your assignment according to the give formatting requirements:

• The answer must be using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, and typed, with one-inch margins on all sides.

• The response also includes a cover page containing the student's name, the title of the assignment, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

• Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

Textbook: Perceiving the Arts: An Introduction to the Humanities, 11th ed. (2015). Sporre, Dennis J. Pearson.

1) Chapter 1: Introduction: What Are the Arts and How Do We Respond to and Evaluate Them?
2) Chapter 2: Pictures: Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, and Photography.

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History: What is your initial emotional response to the photo
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