
What is your impression of how marxism is seen today

Assignment Task: For this work, answer the questions below:

Please include citation and references.

Q1. To what extent are tensions between Iran and the West driven not by the security dilemma, but by competing purposes? If the states had different goals, would the security dilemma moderate or disappear, or is it completely unavoidable?

Q2. What aspects of today's world seem most revolutionary-and hence least likely to follow recognized patterns? Which aspects will most likely display continuity?

Q3. Can you identify areas of international politics in which progress has occurred over time-where people and states have become more adept at solving international  problems or avoiding them?

Q4. In what areas of international politics has little progress been made? Are some areas particularly resistant to efforts at improvement? Why?

Q5. What strengths and weaknesses might an academic bring to the task of devising and implementing foreign policy?

Q6. What kinds of traits should leaders seek in their foreign policy advisors?

Q7. Which of the ideas connected in this chapter with economic structuralism seems most "mainstream"? Which ideas seem most radical?

Q8. What is your impression of how Marxism is seen today, by those outside academic circles? Does the view of it vary considerably between the younger and older generations?

Q9. What recent events can you point to that illustrate the notion that the meaning of sovereignty has been changing in recent decades?

Q10. What kind of arguments about economic inequality do you hear most often?

Q11. How much economic inequality is acceptable?

Q12. How much do people's attitudes on these questions depend on their own financial circumstances? To what extent are they socially constructed?

Q13. In looking at public policy in general, should feminist approaches get more attention than they do now? What problems might be more effectively addressed by feminist approaches? What issues might not benefit from a greater focus on feminism?

Q14. Should Western countries promote universal values of women's rights or should they accept the argument that women in some countries might be more liberated by being free to choose a limited political, economic, and social role?

Q15. Which aspects of economic structuralism resonate most strongly with you? What sorts of policy prescriptions might emerge from them?

Q16. To what extent do people's views on economic issues follow the rise and fall of their countries' economic situations?

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