
What is your final analysis on global warming who will you

Climate Change: Examining the science

Part A:

Search the internet to answer the following questions. Include your website after each question

1. How does the greenhouse effect work on Earth? What would Earth be like without the greenhouse effect?

2. How do scientists study Earth's past climate?

3. List the 4 major greenhouse gases

4. What are some possible consequences or impacts of global warming?

5. What is current belief in media ( daily news) about climate change?

Part B:

View the following film: "The Great Global Warming Swindle"

Answer the following questions with a brief paragraph. Location for answers will be found in green. Point values will follow questions.

(1) "People have decided you have to convince other people:Since no scientists disagree, then you shouldn't disagree either" Professor Richard Lindzen, IPCC & MIT "The Great Global Warming Swindle"

How does this line of thinking compare to that of the scientific method? What are your thoughts?

(2) "This is a story about how a theory on climate turned into a political ideology..."The Great Global Warming Swindle

"I don't even like to call it an environmental movement anymore. What it really is, is a political activist movement"Patrick Moore: Co-founder of Greenpeacefrom "The Great Global Warming Swindle"

- Why would Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, question that this is an environmental issue?

- According to the video, when and who actually started this "political activist" movement?(37)

(3) "It is a story of distortion of a whole area of science"The Great Global Warming Swindle

According to the video, what has been distorted?

(4) When did the "Little Ice Age" occur ? When did the Medieval warm period occur? What were temperatures like during the Holocene era?(7)

(5) According to the hypothesis of man made global warming, industrialization should cause the temperature to rise.

- What data does the video provide to support or reject this?

- What happened to temperatures during the post War Economic Boom ?

(6) If Greenhouse gasses are causing the increase in temperature where should you find the highest temperature readings?

(7) There are two ways to take the temperature in the earth's atmosphere. What are they?

(8) What did John Christy's research show regarding temperature at the surface of the earth verses temperature in the troposphere? (16:50) Does his data support the current climate models?

(9) (18:32) Al Gore's argument of man-made Global warming rests on one all important piece of evidence taken from ice core surveys in which scientists drill deep into the ice to look back into the earth's climate history hundreds of thousands of years. What they found was a clear correlation between Carbon dioxide and temperature . What important information did Gore not mention?

(10) (23) The biggest source of CO2 output on earth comes from where?

(11) What happens when you heat the surface of the ocean? (what gas is emitted?) (24) What happens to this gas when the surface of the ocean cools?

(12) Why is there a lag of 100 years for the increase in CO2 after temperature increases?

(13) Solar Physicist Piers Corbyn predicted climate changes based on what?

(14) In 1991 Senior scientists from the Danish meteorological institute decided to compare a record of sunspots in the 20th century to temperature what did they find?

(15) According to Shaviv and Veltzer's research,and Data collected independently from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admisistration, what is the relationship between Cosmic rays, the formation of clouds and temperature?

(16) In 1974, the BBC warned of impending disaster....What was the perceived threat at that time?

(17) Computer-based models all assume what hypothesis? Dr. Roy Spencer (NASA)(46:22)

(18) According to the video, there is a powerful bias within the media and the science community itself toward what type of results?

(19)(52:45) According to Professor Akasofu, what has been happening to glaciers throughout history?

(20) (54:24) What causes sea levels to change?

(21)According to the researech presented in the film, does an increase in global temperature increase the liklihood of malaria?

(22)"This is a story about westerners evoking the threat of climatic disaster to hinder vital industrial progress in the developing world"

What evidence (or examples) does the video provide regarding a threat to industrialization of developing countries?

Part C:

Visit the following website - Centredaily (christy climate science)

Write a paragraph stating your reaction to Dr. Christi's comments in this blog.

Part D:

1. Search for scientific evidence ( a peer reviewed article or data from credible scientists 2012 or later) that might refute "Skepticism about Global Warming".

- Post the results of your search here.
- include the name of the scientists performing the research.
- Write your reaction to the research being conducted.

2. What is your final analysis on global Warming? Who will you believe? Can you do anything about it?

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