
What is your evaluation of the companys


Answer the following questions according to the Lincoln Electric Case and prepare a case argumentation essay on question 3

Q1. How was Lincoln able to grow and prosper for so long in such a difficult commodity industry that forced out other giants such as General Electric, Westinghouse, and BOC? Evaluate the roles of Lincoln Electric's incentive system, people (employees), management, value, culture, strategy, etc.

Q2. Given this outstanding success, why did the internationalization thrust of the late 1980s and early 1990s fail?

Q3. What is your evaluation of the company's internationalization strategy under Tony Massaro's leadership? Is it likely to be more successful than the previous offshore initiatives? If so, why?

Q4. Put yourself in CEO John Stropki's shoes. Should Lincoln Electric expand into India by investing in a major production facility there? How about the benefits pertaining to its cost advantage, resources and capabilities?

Q5. If you were to expand into India, would you enter through acquisition, wholly owned greenfield start-up, or joint venture? Which factors would inform your decision among these entry mode choices?

Q6. What would you predict could explain the vast difference in Lincoln Electric performance around the world? In which countries is Lincoln Electric likely to be most successful or least successful? Why? How would this guide your own choice of where to place Lincoln Electric's production facilities abroad?

Q7. Should Lincoln Electric avoid going to countries that restrict incentive pay-for-performance? Should it go but adapt to local conditions (when in Rome, do as the Romans do)? Or, should it seek to always replicate the recipe behind its success in the home plant in Cleveland?

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Business Management: What is your evaluation of the companys
Reference No:- TGS02507892

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