What is your definition of family and family health

Discussion Post: Family and Societal Nursing

• Introduction Thread - Help your classmates to get to know you as a person, nurse, and family member. Share aspects of yourself in a posting--For example, Tell us about your family of origin. Tell us about your current family (remember that if you do not have biologic members present in your life, friends as family may apply to you. Pictures of you and your family? What is the work of family? What are your future family goals? What piques your interest in this course and family focused nursing care?

• Reflect on an illness experience in your own family or a family you know. Describe the struggles the family experienced with the illness. Consider the biological, social, psychological, or spiritual factors that influenced the management and coping of the family. Based on your experience pose a nursing approach that may have been helpful to the family. Use your readings to support your analysis and response.

• What is your definition of family and family health?

• Describe your family health experience utilizing the 3 family health domains (contextual, functional, and structural).

• Describe your family's health routines. Identify some barriers or challenges for families not developing or maintaining health routines

• To introduce family nursing practice and give you a background on how to care for the family unit, please watch video clips of our former nursing students caring for George Maverick in our simulation suite on the Mankato campus. Observe the similarities/differences seen between the individual focus (video 1) vs. family focused care (video 2).

• Thinking Family - Address the health inequities or health disparities: Does the basic premise of family focused nursing care hold true: When the health of one family is improved, the health of society has also been improved.

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What is your definition of family and family health
Reference No:- TGS03193936

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