
What is your definition of critical infrastructure


Goal and Objective

This exercise is intended to familiarize you with a particular sector of Critical Infrastructure and associated Information Technology tools. You will be using the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) as a main reference, so make sure you familiarize yourself with it. I specifically want you to explore some tools that are available in the management of risk for that sector. Your deliverable is a PowerPoint presentation. This presentation will be shared with and rated by your peers.


I have provided a template of the PowerPoint for your use. You do not have to use that exact one, but make yours resemble it at least. You will be reading your fellow students presentations, so some uniformity will help.

There are 2 spreadsheets that are available to you. They were completed by the students in the last semester of this exact class. There were 2 sections, so 2 files. It is basically a database of tools that they found in their research.

As in past exercises treat this as a presentation to a Senior Leader. Pay attention to delivery as well as content. Do not exceed 8 slides total.

Follow the guidance on the PowerPoint template and below:

Step 1: Do your weekly readings:
Step 2:Create a PowerPoint according to the below guidance:

Slide 1: Introduction: standard Admin stuff ( Name, section #, date etc...)
Slide 2: Respond to these two general questions

? What is your definition of Critical Infrastructure?
? Give an example from your daily life (if possible) of a piece of Critical infrastructure that you interact with and discuss what the implications are of it not being available.

Slide 3: Respond to this:

Describe/Visualize/Demonstrate the concept of interdependency and use an example of multiple pieces of infrastructure that are interdependent.

Slide 4: Select one sector of Critical Infrastructure.

? Use page 11 of the NIPP. Provide a summary the sector you have chosen. Use visuals if needed. For example you can provide the scope (i.e. 1 million bridges in the US owned mostly by federal, state and local governments) . Who owns it? Where is it? And why it is important?

Slide 5: Risk Profile:

? Using the Risk Management Framework, I presented in the week 5 Hangout session complete it for your sector.

? You need to select at least 5 scenarios (or threats) that could happen to your sector (or piece of infrastructure) that would be bad. For example, if I selected the Dam Sector these are some things that you could use: Terrorist blows up dam, 16-year-old hacker from Sweden remotely takes over the control system(SCADA) of a dam, earthquake destroys dam. Get the picture? Be creative, but grounded in reality.

? For each of the 5 events, decide where it goes on the X scale and the Y scale The X scale in Impact and the Y scale of probability of occurrence.

Slide 6: Mitigation (or resilience)

? Pick one of those scenarios and list at least three things one can do to mitigate that scenario.

Slide 7: Tools

Use the x2 spreadsheets that are provided or find your own. Pick one tool. Preferably in the IT realm that can help mitigate that scenario. I use the word "Tool" loosely, it can be software, a methodology, a physical item, gizmo, service or operational procedure as well for example. Provide:

- Summary of tool: The purpose, how it works. What else do you need to make it work?

Slide 8: Provide a few thoughts in bullet format on the following: How does or does not the tool you selected reduce risk in that sector or at that piece of infrastructure.

Step 3: Post your file in your own thread in the discussion area, read at least 7 other files and provide ratings. The top rated presentations will be recognized and get some bonus points.


Deliverable is due Monday Night ( July 30) . Be sure to delete the unnecessary text. It is your Job to make the presentation eye catching and easy to read. I provide the template but you are free to change as you wish as long as it is no more than 8 Slides.

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Management Information Sys: What is your definition of critical infrastructure
Reference No:- TGS01974051

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