What is your competitive advantage as a leader



Write 500 words maximum statement summarizing your leadership point of view (P.O.V.),compelling, memorable, and repeatable Leader P.O.V. statement. It should be written in a way that clearly yet concisely conveys the essence of your leadership to a reader or a listener. It should reveal who you are as a leader by candidly and personally describing your leadership.

While writing and speaking style will influence your Leader P.O.V. statement, you are encouraged to employ one or more of the following suggestions as they have been found to increase the memorability and repeatability of your statement.

1- What is your "competitive advantage" as a leader? In other words, what strength differentiates you from others and positions you to produce at a superior level in comparison to others? What three things can you do to further develop this strength?

2- Identify the one developmental area that you believe, once addressed, would help you to be even more effective in your current role (or in a role you aspire to obtain). How do you know that this is an area of development for you? What do you need to do to address this area in the short-term and long-term?

3- Identify three insights you have developed about yourself that are relevant to the way that you lead or work. How have you used these insights? What additional questions should you be asking yourself about your current leadership aptitude, awareness, and abilities?

4- Capture what you believe to be the role, responsibilities, and relationships of leaders and followers and how you personally define leadership.

5- Reflect back on your leadership intention about which you previously journaled. Consider subsequent journaling and learning as you share why you initially chose to be a leader, why you continue to choose to serve as a leader, and what you hope to accomplish as a leader.

6- Review your prior journaling and learning as you articulate the expectations you have of yourself and others based on guiding principles and non-negotiables that influence you as a leader.

7- Consider what you do now and what you will do going forward to routinely examine the values, guiding principles, strengths, and weaknesses of yourself and others, and the context in which you find yourself leading? (Examination)

8- Consider how you actively explore and learn from: historical and contemporary leaders; the successes and failure of your own team and those outside of your team, your organization, your industry, or your profession; and the opinions and logic of those who agree and those who disagree with you. What approaches best equip you with new learning in order to effectively act? (Explore)

9- Based on what you have learned about your leadership, the people you lead, and the context in which you lead, what might you do to ensure that you stay focused on those actions you need to take as a leader to enlist others. (Enlist)

10- What steps will you take to ensure that you continue to increase your execution effectiveness - that you are able to guide the selection of the highest leverage priorities and foster accountability for results over effort? (Execute)

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

1. The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Business Management: What is your competitive advantage as a leader
Reference No:- TGS03022945

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