What is your companys overall business strategy

Assignment: Corporate Profile Project

Choose a Fortune 500 company to write about for their corporate profile project. No two students in this section will be permitted to write about the same company, so get your company approved before you begin researching and writing.

You will be assigned a total of four modules for this project. The collective goal of the modules and the project is to inform your reader about your chosen company within the context of the module elements.

Module 1:

• Introduction: What does the company do? How does it add value? Who are its customers? What kind of business is it - does it primarily produce goods or services? In what industry does it operate? What is it known for?

Module 2:

• History: Provide RELEVANT historical information about the company.

Module 3:

• Mission Statement: Provide your chosen company's mission statement. If your company has a stated mission statement then provide it verbatim; otherwise use your own words to explain their mission based on your research. If your company has vision or values statements you may include them as well, but you should do so as a means to provide context as to what your company's aspirations are and relate that back to their mission statement.

• Mission Statement Analysis: Does your company's mission statement align with the textbook's definition of a good mission statement? Why or why not? Does it actually do a good job of explaining why the company exists?

Module 4:

• News & Current Events: Identify and briefly summarize two articles that cover current issues or news that are affecting your company. Do not write "The article by X said Y; use the articles as a source of research, incorporate the information you learned from the article, and cite to the article appropriately.

Module 5:

• Stakeholder Identification: Identify and describe the company's Primary and Secondary Stakeholders. Identify the CEO and include a few sentences about him or her.

• Stakeholder Analysis: Explain how your corporation fulfills its obligations to its primary stakeholders (be sure that your explanation is specific to each of the various groups of primary stakeholders).

Module 6:

• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Discuss your company's approach to CSR. Identify what CSR approach you believe they would identify themselves as being. Minimalist. Don't be conclusory, support your position with research and analysis.

Module 7:

• Marketing: Analyze your company's approach to marketing. Be sure to provide factually-supported analysis for each of the "four Ps."

Module 8:

• Strategy: What is your company's overall business strategy? Analyze and explain.

• SWOT: Identify the most significant internal and external forces, both positive and negative, that are currently impacting your company.

Format your assignment according to the give formatting requirements:

• The answer must be using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, typed, with one-inch margins on all sides.

• The response also includes a cover page containing the student's name, the title of the assignment, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

• Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Project Management: What is your companys overall business strategy
Reference No:- TGS03103157

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