
What is your city of residence


Study Population, analysis plan, and data collection:

Study Population: Describe how you'll identify and recruit your population under study, specifying the inclusions/exclusions criteria, as well as any necessary permissions to access and recruit the population Provide the type of information collected on the participant (e.g. gender, age, race/ethnicity, health status, ...) - See Chapter 6: Sampling.

Data Analysis Plan: compose a data analysis plan or the statistical analysis section for a research proposal by describing the statistical tests you'd use to analyze your data (e.g. descriptive statistics or inferential statistics using T-test, chi-square test, regression or correlation analysis, logistic regression, ANOVA ...). - See Module 9/Chapter 10 on "Analyzing Quantitative Data"

Section 4 survey instrument

1) What is your nationality?
2) What is your city of residence?
3) What is your gender and age?
4) What is your level of education?
5) Have you ever been vaccinated?
6) When last did you receive a vaccine?
7) Will you vaccinate your child, and why?
8) Will you recommend a vaccine to someone?

Data Collection: Distribute the survey you developed in Section #4, using a convenience sample, to collect and record your research data. - See Chapter 7: Data Collection for Quantitative Data

Course: Health Services Research Methods

Reference: Pajo, B. (2018). Introduction to Research Methods: A Hands-On Approach. Sage Publishing. ISBN-1483386953

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