
What is your chosen action from the list


Choose ONE of the following ethical issues related to the current coronavirus pandemic:

1. Government-ordered forced shut down of non-essential businesses
2. Closure of international borders
3. Forced quarantine (including government-mandated curfews)
4. Mask mandates (requirement to wear masks in public)

Next, evaluate the action on the basis of the conditions that must be met in order to consider the public health action justified. Walk me through your reasoning for EACH principle.

• What is your chosen action from the above list?

• Effectiveness: Is the action likely to accomplish the public health goal? (Additional questions to help shape your response: What is the public health goal? How does the action help achieve or not achieve the goal?)

• Necessity: Is the action necessary to override the conflicting ethical claims to achieve the public health goal? (Additional questions to help shape your response: What are the conflicting ethical claims associated with taking the action? Is the action necessary to achieve the public health goal or are there alternatives?)

• Least infringement: Is the action the least restrictive and least intrusive? (Additional questions to help shape your response: Are there alternatives that are less restrictive than the action?)

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Other Subject: What is your chosen action from the list
Reference No:- TGS03235017

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