What is PepsiCo's corporate strategy? Briefly identify the business strategies that Pepsico us using in each of its customer business segments in 2014.
What is your assessment of the long-term attractiveness of the industries represented in Pesico's business portfolio?
What is your assessment of the competitive strength of PepsiCo's different business units?
Does Pepsico's portfolio exhibit good strategic fit? What value chain match-ups do you see? What opportunities for skills transfer, cost sharing, or brand sharing do you see?
What is your overall evaluation of PepsiCo's business portfolio in 2014? Does the portfolio provide the company's shareholders with an opportunity for above-average market returns? Which businesses are the strongest contributors to PepsiCo's free cash flows?
What strategic actions should Indra Nooyi take to sustain the corporation's impressive financial and market performance? Should its free cash flows be used to fund additional share repurchase plans, pay higher dividends, make acquisitions, expand internationally, or for other purposes? What other strategic actions should be pursued by corporate level management?