
What is your approach to the negotiation

Assignment task: The negotiation topic is: a salary negotiation with your manager for a raise to get from 3% to a 5% raise

1. General description and context. I am looking for an introduction to your negotiation as a narrative. Who are you negotiating with? What are you negotiating about? What do you want?

2. Preparation - What is your approach to the negotiation? Is this collaborative, competitive, or both, and if both, how will you combine the two? What information do you need to gather?  Focus on the critical points of information that will make or break your negotiation. For each piece of information, indicate why it is important and how you intend to get it.

3. What makes this negotiation challenging for you? Consider the numerous issues we covered during the semester - personalities (e.g. Thomas-Kilmann), agents vs. principals negotiating, team or group dynamics, power, organizational issues, dilemmas, as well as your personal experiences in the role-plays.

4. Strategy - This is the key section of the paper. Think of this paper as an opportunity to develop a strategy for an upcoming negotiation. It is more than a class exercise - it is what you would ideally do if you had the time to prepare properly for a real negotiation. Based on all of the considerations in above, what is your strategy as you approach this negotiation. This section should be a blueprint for you to refer to as you get into the actual negotiation. (Try to write the strategy so clearly that someone else could read it and almost carry out this negotiation on your behalf). How will you begin, how will you respond to moves by the other party, how you will use the most critical of the 7 elements. If there is a distributive component to your negotiation, how will you include that. How will you know when the negotiation has ended?

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