
What is wrong with elisas colleagues sharing information


Elisa is a social worker who is a member of the NASW. She has just joined a new agency where her colleagues are also members of the NASW. All of her coworkers say they strongly identify with the mission and core values of the social work profession. They note on numerous occasions that they understand their ethical responsibilities and believe that they work hard to advocate for and to serve their clients.

One evening after work, Elisa joins her new co-workers for dinner. They begin talking about work and sharing stories about their clients. Elisa, who is joining them in a social capacity for the first time, is uncomfortable with the conversation at dinner. She begins to think that part of the agency's culture is disrespecting clients and ignoring responsibilities for privacy and confidentiality. Elisa discusses it with the supervisor the next day at the office. When questioned, the group denies sharing client information, since they know they could lose their jobs.

What is wrong with Elisa's colleagues sharing information about clients with each other?

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Reference No:- TGS03307205

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