
What is workplace diversity what are the opportunities and

Assignment  - Research Paper Topic

Assignment requirements: (marks will be deducted for any of these that are not met)

1. Submit in hard copy at the beginning of class when due- late assignments will not be accepted.

2. Assignments to be stapled or clipped (no folders/binders).

3. All pages must Ipe properly numbered.

4. Format: 12 font; 1.5 line spacing; single-sided.

5. Cover Page must identify student name and signature, course name, instructor name, university name, section number, date, assignment topic and #, and Total Word Count.

6. Word count: Minimum 2,000 words (excluding Cover Page, Table of Contents and Reference List)). Minimum word count may result in a mark of no more than 70%.

7. Table of Contents (a list of headings covered in the paper correlated to page numbers) must be included for both assignments

8. Body of the paper must provide a depth of information about the topic, and sources must be appropriately identified with APA in-text citations correlated with a Reference List.

9. Summary/conclusion section at the end summarizing what you learned - overall insights about concepts researched and personal insights.

10. Minimum of 6 references provided in the Reference List (in alphabetical order). Minimum number of references may result in a mark of no more than 70%.


What is workplace diversity? What are the opportur..ties and challenges to the Canadian workplace? What are some principles, practices, techniques, programs etc. that organizations use to manage workplace diversity?

Give examples of diversity management practices used by specific organizations? What are the component of the VIU diversity management program? _

Academic Integrity Assessment: Assignments and Research Paper:

After each assignment has been submitted in class, a random sample will be collected electronically by the instructor to facilitate an academic integrity assessment, e.g., word count verification and plagiarism review.

Any assignment that has a word count that is less than that listed on the hard copy will be assessed a penalty relative to the size of the error.

General Guidelines for Grading of both Assignments:

a. Submissions are expected to:

1. Use univeltsity-level English, i.e., grammar, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation.

2. Display university-level analytical skills: understanding, application and evaluation of concepts.

3. Well organized, adhere to the format specified in this course outline, and have

1) a clear and concise sentence structure;

2) a logical and an easy-to-follow flow of information.

4. Use correct APA referencing format.

References will be assessed based on their appropriateness, number, and cross-referencing of in-text citations to the reference list.

b. Marks will be deducted for:

1. English that is below university standard, e.g., spelling, sentence structure;

2. Incomplete cover page information;

3. Word count not recorded or below minimum;

4. Minimum/shallow depth of analysis, e.g., minimum word count or minimum number of references; s. Incorrect referencing, i.e., poor correlation of in-text citations and reference list; reference list not indented or alphabetical; not using in-text citations in paragraphs to cite sources.

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Operation Management: What is workplace diversity what are the opportunities and
Reference No:- TGS02540542

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