
What is wiggins argument that seems to show we can have at

1. What is Wiggins' argument that seems to show we can have (at least) two objects of the same sort in the same place at the same time? Be sure to include in your explanation an explanation of why Tibbles at t3 is not identical to Tib at t3.

2. Explain Burke's Aristotelean Essentialist solution to the Wiggin's Tibbles Puzzle.

3. Explain Price's Rover-Clover example. Then explain the problem she thinks it poses for Aristotelian Essentialism.

4. Explain Sam's Argument from Conceivability. Then explain Gretchen's objection to that argument.

5. Explain Sam's Person as Soul Argument. Then explain Gretchen's Reduction to Absurdity of that argument.

6. Carefully explain what personal identity consists in forLocke.

7. Explain the thought experiment that seems to show that body switching is metaphysically possible. Then explain why this is some evidence in favor of a Lockean theory of personal identity.

8. Carefully explain Reid's objection to Locke's account of personal identity.

9. Carefully explain Williams's thought experiment that seems to show that personal identity consists in bodily continuity. (Be sure to explain how it seems to show this.)

10.According to Parfit, in some cases, there are no answers to the questions about personal identity. Explain how Parfit thinks the case of the divided brain shows that.

11.Explain what Parfit thinks psychological continuity consists in.

12.Explain Parfit's sufficient condition for personal identity. Then explain how his account allows him to avoid Reid's objection to Locke.

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Dissertation: What is wiggins argument that seems to show we can have at
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