
What is unique about the work that makes it worthwhile what

Topic: The poem MARRIAGE by GREGORY CORSO is the reading I would like argued and analyzed.  As far as the history of marriage, Purpose of marriage etc... the opposition of marriage. Need a strong paper! Use online database. Not Google!!

Read the assignment--again and again. It's crucial that you understand your purpose. You are being asked to create an argument about a work found in our textbook. You should have picked something out already, but if you have questions or problems, get in touch with me immediately. Again, the paper must be an ARGUMENT, and it must be about a WORK FROM THE TEXTBOOK. Research comes from a question. What question do you wish to answer about the work you chose? Go do research to see what others have to say, and then answer the question. Doing research is entering into a conversation. You want to see what other experts have to say about your chosen work and put your ideas in that context. You do not need to find someone who thinks exactly as you do. That's not why you do research. You can use your sources to support your own ideas, to give a sense of what others say, and for counter arguments.

Use the library databases. DO NOT GOOGLE. The purpose of this assignment is to get you used to using the leo library resources, which you can be assured are reliable. Let me know if you need help picking out a database or coming up with search terms. Don't forget that you can get in touch with the librarians. They are willing and eager to help.

You should begin your initial research about your chosen literature with some biographical information about the author then begin to read as much analysis of your particular selection as possible. When you are ready to begin writing your research paper, the biographical information should be very brief as an introduction to your literature. Keep in mind that the purpose of your paper is to critically analyze your chosen work, focusing on some aspect of the overall work that helps to define and unify a central argument. Possible research questions might include:

  • What is unique about the work that makes it worthwhile?
  • What technique(s) does the author use?
  • What argument(s) are central to this piece?
  • How effective are these argument(s)?
  • What is unique about the way the writer presents these argument(s)?
  • How do the writer's techniques help define this piece as literature of importance? These questions are not all inclusive but should serve as a guide as you are researching and reading.

Requirements - Your finished paper should adhere to the following requirements:

• 2000-word scope

• One primary source (chosen piece of literature)

• No less than three credible, academic secondary sources (research) Correct use of in-text documentation and Works Cited page (MLA format) Wikipedia and other WWW sources are not always reliable.

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