
What is unique about baseball as a game


Sport Sociology

A. What historical and social events and personal characteristics "allowed" Ruth to become America's first "super star" athlete?

B. What was the reserve clause? Discuss the impact on both baseball and society produced by the reserve clause along with the roles of the old Federal League, Kennesaw Landis, Curt Flood, and Marvin Miller in the reserve clause saga.

C. What is unique about baseball as a game? How has the perception of the game of baseball as a part of American society changed from its beginnings to now? What is the "scary music" that plays under baseball?

D. What was "Shadowball"? Why is that term an excellent representation of Negro League Baseball?

E. If you had to identify one person as the inventor or "father" of American Baseball, who would it be? Why does the "myth" of Abner Doubleday exist?

Answer the following question completely:

Discuss the impact on both baseball and society produced by Jackie Robinson. Include the historical and social events and personal characteristics that "allowed" Robinson to enter major league baseball. Be sure to include the role of Branch Rickey.

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