
What is under and over nutrition


Q1. What is nutrition? Why is nutrition essential to our daily lives?
Q2. What is the connection between nutrition and health?
Q3. What are the six classes of nutrients? What are essential nutrients? What are the sources of nutrients? What do nutrients do?
Q4. How do vitamins and minerals work?
Q5. What does it mean to eat a balanced diet? Why is food choice important for good nutrition?
Q6. What is under nutrition? What is over nutrition?
Q7. Why is physical activity important as it relates to nutrition and health?
Q8. Where might you find dietary recommendations? What are the recommended dietary allowances (RDA)? What are dietary reference intakes (DRIs)?
Q9. The United States Department of Agriculture created a diagram titled My Pyramid. What is this diagram? Why should someone study this diagram?
Q10. What are some tools for diet planning?
Q11. What is the calorie intake calculator? What factors does this calculator take into account?
Q12. What are some dangers associated with dieting?
Q13. What is the best way to lose weight? Explain your answer and provide at least one source, formatted consistent with APA guidelines, to support your answer.
Q14. How does exercise influence body weight?
Q15. How does today's society affect our nutritional habits?

Your answer must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Other Subject: What is under and over nutrition
Reference No:- TGS01899519

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