
What is uncontrollable for hiking and conservationwhat do

Survey - AMC (Client: Appalachia Mountain Club)


Intro of interviewee (General Questions)- 10 minutes

• Name:

• Age:

• Status:

• Occupation:

• Living situation:

• City:

• Favorite:

Introducing AMC

Initial thoughts on AMC

Have you ever heard about AMC?

• After this encounter, have you tried to get any more information on joining? Or thought of joining this club?

• What is your initial reaction when Appalachian Mountain Club comes to mind?

• THEIR Concerns

Understanding their concerns dealing with AMC.

Do you think AMC does a poor job at advertising if you're a hiker, and still have little information on the club?

• By joining AMC it could affect your life. Do you believe that to be true?

• When do you think about going out doors?

• What do you think about, when you think about the out doors?

• Where do you normally get your information on hikes, and the out doors?

• What are the most important things you can do before a hike or going out doors for some adventure?

• Material Sort

AMC and their competitors

Here is a list of Hiking Clubs on the Appalachian Trail. What clubs have you heard of?

• Potomac Appalachian Trail Club

• Susquehanna Appalachian Trail Club

• A walk in the woods

Product Sort

What AMC and their competitors offer via these hiking clubs.

Please share with us what you believe a hiking club should offer?

• Now that you know what you want out of a hiking club, would you join a club with all of these requirements in your last statement or just one?


Understanding how they view hiking and how they compare

What does it mean to be a hiker or conservationist?

• What are some thing's hikers are suppose to do on the trail?

• Do you talk about hiking and the out doors with others?

• Do you believe you can help save the out doors with conservation?

• What is uncontrollable for hiking and conservation?

• What do people need to do?

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Business Management: What is uncontrollable for hiking and conservationwhat do
Reference No:- TGS01134588

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